I know, I know! More comments on Stevedepino.com and his super stunt double David Jay! It's just so WEIRD seeing them near each other, and they are like, NOT the same person! You know? We just love out CT Wedding Photographer!! So CT much!

Disco balls in Vegas? Yeah, that's right. Paul? I was totally thinking of your Docs!

oooooooohh! Pretty super-saturated colors! Neon everywhere! High heels, crazy outfits!

Miss Zoe Bowen being coy! Or just getting tired of all of us taking pics of each other!! One way to get over NOT liking your picture being taken, travel with a PACK of photographers, you learn to get over it pretty quickly! Especially when your friends are professionals, they tend to know what they are doing and you can get some really nice shots of yourself. Not saying I know what I am doing, or knew what I was doing in this particular picture, as it was in the suaree hosted by Pictage at Napoleon's in Paris. Open bar, anyone?

Super shapely stems are attached to Miss Kelley, the delightful gal pal of my buddy Richard/Rich/Rick/RickyBobby Espisito- dang, am I spelling his last name properly? Espisito? Sepesito? AHHHH. Better Google him. ESPOSITO! Good thing I Googled!!

RE & Kelley cozying up with my pal Stevedepino.com in the foreground!
More Vegas pictures! More Vegas stories! More residual Vegas networking!