I am so behind on this blog post it is embarrassing. I second shot with the amazing Amanda Harris in early February at the Hartford Club in Hartford, and I had such a blast being the second shooter! I love not being in charge, as hard as that is to imagine, it is true. It was so nice to see Amanda running the show, for one because she is so good at it and for two because I could just sit back and help, if she needed me to or just shoot my heart out.
Don't get me wrong, when you are a second shooter you have to be so adept at multitasking and being aware of what your main shooter is doing, where they are and if you are in their shot- it is a science to master, but so much fun.
Amanda is not only a terrific shooter she is one of my closest friends so it felt like we were just hanging out and having a good time, when in strolls Robert Norman to test drive his new D3- and was I jealous! See, this was my last pre-D3 Wedding. Once Robert let me shoot with his D3 I was all hot and bothered to have mine and less than a week later I miraculously had one in hand.
We had a blast shooting, laughing and having fun and I can't wait to shoot with these guys again!
Great Job, really like how the glass shot came out. Your right about the snow shot, that is awesome!!
sweet girlfriend. you can shoot with me anytime ;)
I evoke jealousy wherever i go, you know. That shoeless snow shot is really something.
You're the Connecticut photo goddess!!!
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