Have you forgotten why are you a photographer lately?
It can be so easy to forget these days as there are so many aspects to not only being a photographer but being a GOOD one, and not only running a business but running one efficiently, and marketing and securing clients... and then staying motivated and inspired on top of it all!
Kind of a tall order at times... So I thought what better way to kick off all of our seasons than by jump starting our inspiration and gettting back in touch with why we do what we do. Or, why you want to get involved in it in the first place if you are new to the industry...
On Monday April 7th I will host an all day intensive workshop at my studio in Hartford! Here is what we will cover:
So, why ARE YOU a photographer? Get back in touch with why you are even shooting in the first place- and really find what visually inspires and motivates you.
Learn how to get the most from your subjects by knowing what you like! How can you direct them if YOU don't even know what you want to get out of them?
After our motivational meeting we will have a model shoot in some challenging locations- learn how to make it work and get the best images possible.
Bring your computers to download and work on your favorite images.
Steve DePino, (the founder of PRO Actions and super talented photographer!) and I will cover some post production tips and tricks that have worked for us.
Afternoon critique- find out how everyone saw the same situation, what works about your images and how to make them even better!
Seminar Cost is only $50!
Please email me asap to reserve your spot at carlateneyck@comcast.net
Lunch & Dinner will be provided
COUNT ME IN! let me know how I can help you prep and run things too!
Saaaweeeet! Is this going to be like the studio opening? I get first dibs on the tub....
Me too. Can't Wait!
xo Tam
i'm there!
sounds good to me/only if i can use your d3.count me in
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://tv-lcd.blogspot.com. A hug.
OBVIOUSLY I'm there :) Can't wait.
Oh, I hope I can come! I just need to see if it's a day I can get off work. Also--I don't have a laptop...is that okay?
I wish I lived closer or could come for this. I am fan of your work. Sounds great!!
Count me in as well, I just have to switch a couple things around, but should have no problem being there!!
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