So OK. New and fabulous camera. New and fabulous studio. Well.... I figured I would pull the trifecta and just redo my entire web site to complete the trinity of change!
I embrace change and really felt like my work has been morphing and evolving so much lately that I wanted to have my site really reflect that.
Check it out HERE and let me know what you think!
hmmm....maybe it's just see, but i don't see anything :) just a lovely blush colored screen.
still loading...oh well. must be a heavy duty site. i'll try again later. love the song though.
i love it!!!!!! it so suites your studio and the feel of c 10 eyck!
Yeah baby! It looks awesome and I love the music, feel - the whole she-bang :)
Very nice, love everything about it! Congratulations, it is quite an accomplishment to achieve what you have!
It looks awesome and I just love the colors too! Best of luck on the studio as well. :)
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