The first leg of my journey to the center of the earth started in Seattle and then moved me and Steve to Cypress Island, a place I had only heard from through my good friend Gus. Gus and I went to RIT what seems like eons ago, back in the early 90's when flannel shirts and Nirvana were in their glory. We were actually in our very first photo intensive class, creatively called Photo 1, for the entire year and we, along with a group of my closest college friends from this very same class, bonded for life. Derek Till, Mary, Schmartin, me and Gus were all in Photo 1 and were all at Gus' wedding, which was awesome!!
So part two actually (I am going out of order, sorry!) involved a beauty of a boat lovingly owned by Tru's Dad, Nick. We were onboard for a good hour so I had some great opportunities to shoot in this incredibly beautiful environment! I was freaking out (shocking, I know)
I love this shot of them as they canoodle on the boat

Gus could always pull off a hat and I LOVE the one he was rocking on the ride over

Gus' dad, Austin was a farmer in Maine for years, and I just love this guy. He is a hoot and wonderful to photograph, just like his son!!

The Veteran, Nick's boat! This beauty was featured on the cover of Wooden Boat magazine, in like a 12 page spread!!

There were these crazy trees in Washington state that I had never seen before.....but man were they cool!

Shooting the rings and details was a lot of fun- we had a bunch of time to do it, as everyone was setting up for the wedding... so I started by the water. I did not let the rings get wet, don't worry! I'm not sure why, but it felt a little like sacrelige or something!

While we were shooting the shoes this bee landed on me, which I quickly swatted off me. Turns out I stunned the poor creature into some kind of paralysis! And so? I shoot!!!

Tru's family has been on this island for a long, long time- and this boat had her family name on it- it was calling out to me to shoot something on it! Her shoes fit the bill quite nicely, I think!

Tru and Gus gave their guests the option of camping overnight on Cypress.... and were they surprised to hear that over EIGHTY people said yes!!! So Gus and company (mainly another RIT alum, the fantastic Steve-o!) set up EVERYONE'S tent before they got there and then labeled them- I was in RIT-ville, of course!

The flower girl was so freaking adorable and she was very comfortable in front of the camera, which was lucky for me

The Fahey homestead was soooooo fun to shoot in! There was no electricity, it was run by solar power and natural heating and was really rustic, lived in and cool. I loved this map of the sound we were in

The room where Tru was getting ready was very nicely lit

Tru's Mom, Susan couldn't have been more proud of her daughter

Their ceremony was only steps away from their home and overlooked the water. It was stunning

Gotta love a red hat

This weird little detail of Tru's dress and the book just strikes something in me and I love it

Tru's flowers were so colorful and vibrant

The toasts were everything I love about toasts- funny, engaging and drew a few tears

When we were at RIT Gus was a willing subject for so many of our class assignments that our teacher put a ban on any more shots of Gus! What a cutie though!!

We did our portraits later into the evening as the light just got better and better..... so off we went

This is in front of the Fahey home

I've said it once and I'll say it again.... I was FREAKING OUT with this light, and this couple and the location- I was like a cat in a sparkle factory, FO REAL

One of the guests, our buddy Kyle, had a Hasselblad that he let me shoot Gus & Tru through

During the reception they played a game that hailed from Germany where you each hold a shoe from each of you and then are sitting back to back answering questions about each other.... it provided us with some laughs for sure

And enter.... the glory light!!

I loved this detail

They had a wishing well of sorts, where you wrote down your wishes for Tru & Gus and then they were lit on fire at sunset, it was a beautiful thing to see, and shoot!

Tru & Gus, I can't think of two people more perfect for each other than you guys! I had such a great time visiting and shooting and can't wait to see you guys again!!
these are truly some of the most amazing photos I have seen from you.
oh and the light is sooooo amazing i can see why you were freaking out!
have fun in la!
Truly beautiful images and amazing story telling Carla!!
WOW this wedding is so sweet!! I love how they did a period piece. You captured their day with such stellar-ness!!!
holy crap! these are amazing!!!!! the shot of him helping her down to the beach is my favorite right now. love the light in the trees, LOVE the shoe game shot with the detail or her shoes, and i'm totally feeling that book/dress detail shot in the ceremony. simply stunning.
Carla let me just say, I hope to one day command 1/22nd of the cameraskills you have. These shots are absolutely phenomenal. I don't even know where to being to choose a favorite so I'm not going to do all the others a disservice by naming just one!
AMAZING work as always.
Never stop shooting Carla.
Broderick - Polarity Photo
These are stunning, soulful images. Simply beautiful. I absolutely love the one of them in the trees. You are super!
Amazing images girl, love the beach ones, the one of the rings on the rock by the water is one of my favorites. You blow me away. Miss you, when are we getting together 4 lunch?
Amazing images girl, love the beach ones, the one of the rings on the rock by the water is one of my favorites. You blow me away. Miss you, when are we getting together 4 lunch?
Amazing images girl, love the beach ones, the one of the rings on the rock by the water is one of my favorites. You blow me away. Miss you, when are we getting together 4 lunch?
I'm calling PETA on you!!! Poor little bumble bee : (
I can't wait for you to show me all your tricks!
That first ring shot is classic! Nice work 10ike!
Beautiful work as usual, Carla. I love, love, love the shot of the couple through the Hasselblad view screen. And the light was so amazing in so many shots. Good job.
-Carrie Roseman Photography
I've been taking pictures of that place for decades, but these pictures really turn ordinary seeing into something else.
Joe (bride's brother)
blown away by your mad skillz...
As always, you rock! Wish I could've been there. Congratulations Gus and Tru.
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