And while they are not 'technically' engaged.... I am calling this an engagement shoot because it is how I do one....
Going into the vineyard there was no wind.... coming out?? It was NUTS!

I love shooting Steph. She lets me boss her around, declares how awkward she feels, but still totally goes with it and let's me just do what I want!!

Like when I tell her to smile, or laugh. She fights me! So I say 'ok, then fake laugh' and then Amanda and I proceed to show her and Greg how to fake laugh. The result? They laugh at how ridiculous we look and sound!

So there was barbed wire in this field by this truck

And there were hands in back pockets on this weird rusty hoo ha thing

Steph has always had such an incredible sense of style, I love it! Her shoes were great

This truck was calling my name from day one.....!

I love that Steph can pull off the old school scarf and sunglasses efforlessly

While Steph changed, we shot Greg solo and man did he work it

Miss AManda Harris Herzberger could stand it no more (the only camera she had was her iphone) and so she ventured into Nikon territory and used my D200 to shoot!

Amanda wanted to work the front of the truck more so she had them lay in front of it.... yeah pretty cool huh?

They were just so comfortable just cuddling and letting us do our thing

I wanted to change it up and try some new ways of positioning them and really like this - not ground breaking I realize but I normally do this and then shoot super tight but wanted to really still show the front of this cool truck

This light was super rich and powerful and golden

There were times during the shoot where I would look at Steph and just get the chills.... she looks SO much like my Mom did when she was younger, it was uncanny. My Mom was incredibly fashionable and beautiful, just like Stephanie is and to see her carry on this trait of my Mom's just makes me so proud and like a piece of her is still here, alive and well. And almost like she was hanging out with me and Amanda and Greg, and Steph, in a very comforting way. It was my favorite part of the shoot, and I kept it to myself lest I break down in a puddle.... like I tend to do at times... :)
Thank you Stephanie and Greg for letting me and Amanda shoot you to our hearts content... I had a blast but also realized how much I miss you!! Can't wait to see you at Christmas!!
Carla, Is there anything you haven't done on this trip? Sheesh. You're rockin it from coast to coast and I'm loving it!!!
What an awesome location. I'm loving all those trucks shots!!
WOW those are pretty much the most attractive people I have ever seen! Carla you are amazing! and so easy to work with...So encouraging. Man I'd book you any day of the week in Sonoma, San Francisco, any part of Northern California....ANY WHERE!
Define "Super gangly "
Define "Super gangly "
Define "Super gangly "
Great shots and I love the ones with the old car.
So beautiful and interesting and depthfuliscious (is that even close to being a word?) and gorgeous...I could go on and on!!! :)
wow! i love those shots in front of the truck. really pretty. High fashion kiddo!
love love love the very last photo!
cannot figure out what it is but love everything about it!
Ooh--love these much.
The third from the bottom and the one of him alone are my favorites. Love the light. These two are gorgeous and even if they hate posing, they sure LOOK good in front of the camera!
P.S. How did Amanda like the Nikon?!
oh smack! these are hot! the shot through the barbed wire?! awesome! and that truck?! great body language too.
Carla: These are gorgeous! Wow.
publish publish publish! I'm jealous and want to look that good!
Carla, you're freakin' amazing!
What an awesome set!
That barbwire shot is A++++++
You know there's a car like this in Wallingford in a similar field. When I was practicing shooting one day Christen and I found it and when crazy shootin'!
Drop me a line if you want the location!
Never stop shootin' mrs. Carla, you're nothing short of awesome!
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