See, Mayor Mike... he left a mark on all that knew him, however briefly.
During his eulogy, the Reverend Gary Miller read something that really hit home with me. It went along the lines of how it all came down to one basic question in your life:
How well did you love?
Many of you that know me, and even those of you that only read this blog probably know that I love HARD- I love FIERCE- and if you wrong someone I love, you better RUN! :) But really, just when I think my heart is full, and that I have no more room for anyone else, I find new people who move me and make their mark on me, and basically just push their way into my big old heart... not that they need to push too hard because I am standing there with arms open, and some air traffic controller mo fo's waving people in...funny, but true.
So reflect on that one question, and see how you fare.
Here are some shots from my day on Thursday..
Outside of the church a fire truck waved the flag high, and there were many, many police officers and firefighters there to show their respect for Mayor Mike. It was an incredible sight to see

The procession passed by Mayor Mike's former firehouse, Engine Company 15 by Trinity College.

This woman had everyone in tears with her sign that says 'we love you mayor mike' as she stood there and waved to everyone that passed, in the cold. What a powerful show of love and respect

The mounted police stood at attention at the entrance to Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford. Mayor Mike is right near my Mom, so I got to wave to her as we drove by.

A firefighter smiles to himself, probably remembering laughs and better times he had with Mayor Mike. I stood there paying my respects with this man- we both have such different memories, but I know they were full of laughs

Seeing my image on the marquee of the XL center was bittersweet- Here is a happier time, when Mike was the JP for his daughter's wedding a few summers back.

Here are two of my oldest, dearest friends who are going to be so mad I put this on here. But TOO BAD! :) We have known each other since 5th grade- and seen each other through good times and hard times and still managed to laugh the whole time...I love you guys!

A friend who went to college with Chris, Mayor Mike's son, shares a typical Mayor Mike story, complete with hilarious punch line

Here Mayor Mike's wife Jeannette prepares to take a bow after dancing to Mike's favorite song, Rockin' Robin, at the end of his memorial was so incredible to see, and so sad to see. She is such a wonderful woman, and she was the love of his life

I loved Bob Englehart's editorial cartoon honoring Mayor Mike

One of the best little touches they had at the luncheon were these buttons that we wore when he ran for Mayor. Kristin Ferris ran the event, she was incredible and so was her staff

This napkin was posted by the bar in Mike's restaurant- it reads: 'Live a good life- it's not the years in the life, it's the life in the years. A-Lincoln Well done Mike, and thanks'

Amy and Jocelyn, two of Bethany's close friends from PC came to town to pay their respects from Providence. I've known these two hooligans for a long, long time and I am a better person for it!

After the luncheon everyone headed over to Mayor Mike's to celebrate his life and share more stories. When the newscast came on showing clips from the funeral and interviews from the day you could have heard a pin drop it was so quiet...but I wouldn't have chosen to be anywhere else than surrounded by so many friends and family that loved and shared in such an amazing man's journey through all of our lives...

Thank you Mayor Mike for always making me feel special, for laughing at my jokes, and letting me into your family. Thank you for being one of my strongest supporters in my work and life... and thank you mostly for showing people what it is to love Hartford.
How Bittersweet those shots are. Nicely done.
This is beautiful, I'm sure he would be so pleased to see/read this. :)
Well done momma. Well done.
a beautiful tribute to an amazing man.
a tear.
Beautifully composed, Carla. You always get them rolling down my cheek. I am sure his family is so grateful that you played a part in his life.
Val xoxo
The shots are beautiful-as are the words. I am so glad that I got to be a part of such an amazing day- it really was the nicest celebration of anyone's life I had ever seen. You rock Chickie and I am so happy to have you in my life.
On a lighter note I am available for modeling/dating if anyone is captivated by my charm- ha.
Carla--a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing and teaching us more about this wonderful man. Hats off to Mayor Mike.
So I am catching up on your blog. When I texted you I just heard it on the radio and was shocked. So sorry to hear, it was a big loss for many people.
What powerful images Carla. Thank you for sharing them. Hartford lost a great man. My condolances to all.
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