I just went shopping for my family and have some awesome tricks up my sleeve for my people... I could just about implode all over my pretty keyboard trays with excitement!
And then there's this whole ENGAGEMENT SHOOT that I just shot with Mr. Mike Romano on Saturday. In my most favorite place, Hartford.
The thing I am the most pumped about is that it is totally new to me- I shot in places that I have never done an engagement shoot in before! It was like I was seeing my city in a whole new light- around every turn I was like - WHAT???!!! You can see the Travelers building from HERE? Like THIS???? Or the Colt Building? Or the hoo ha crazy metal shipping sculpture thing by the riverfront?? Yes, that is the official name.
Ashley & Jordan are so easy to be around- even though they kept telling me they were nervous, I was like, really? Are you sure? Mike and I both agreed that the normal beginning part of a shoot where we all kind of feel each other out lasted like, 2 seconds with them!
And without further ado... I bring you....
We started off heading towards the riverfront. But anyone who has been photographed by me knows that I am prone to stopping- something will inevitably catch my eye and I just have to give it a go! These stairs were no exception :)

And then I just had to get a little bit closer...and go all dark and mysterious about it! It's one of my favorites!

There was something about this view that really drew me in- the highway signs, the stairs... I have a thing for shots that kind of look like I am spying, but I of course am totally not! But I just like that 'unaware' look that these have...like I caught them just snuggling on stairs in public by the highway!

There were a fair amount of stairways involved in our shoot, now that I stop and think about it! They got quite the workout... I was like 'OK, go down the stairs! Now walk back up...slowly... OK now sit down! OK now go back down! Now drop and give me 20!'
Ashley is catching her breath here.... ;)

This view required them to scale an awkward little hillish thing- and was very weird for them to stand in as it was so off kilter- but- I LOVE IT!!! The background is SO Hartford! And so super pretty and architectural, and I have not yet seen anyone get this particular view of Hartford yet...!

YIKES! Jordan is looking pretty smokin' here.... I love this shot of him (and the Traveler's building ;)

Then by the riverfront there was this textured cement wall where I just asked them to cuddle and stuff...I love how Ashley was laughing here!

But then could rock the serious look just as well

On the walkway thing to the riverfront I knew I wanted to work this sculpture in somehow but not the same way that everyone else does... so I whipped out the 14-24...and froze! And then handed it over to Mike and was like 'Here you go! Rock it- this is SO your shot!' I know I am not wrong. Mike loves to gank my lens and rock the wide shots, it is something that he is really good at! So I took his 85 and I gave him the 14-24 and I am SO glad I did- this was a challenge for me to get something that SCREAMED 'SHOOT ME WIDE!' and I was like, Nope, it's an 85 1.4 for you, or nothing!
OK, enough nerd talk :)

love. love. love. They look so incredible in this shot, so happy, so pretty, so in love!

Oh it was cold out too! So what better way to spend a brisk cold day than by the water? Here I broke out my 105 2.8 MACRO lens- I really wanted to see what the compression did for this scene and I have to say I am digging it.

This next set up reminded me of the overpass shoot I did with my October Ten Eyck Tuesday class- it just screamed for a wide angle lens- or so I thought! But, I kept that macro on for this shot and similarly to the 70-200 we used in our workshop- The compression just looks so super pretty here. The moral of the story here? change it UP!!

An underpass can look pretty nice! Who knew!

Dusk is a great time to shoot in Hartford.... check out the Colt Building under their hands!

The blue sky played off the lights nicely...

And we're back to the Traveler's building again!! But different. This is one of my favorites!!!!

Now, how do you shoot the lights at Constitution Plaza in a new way? At dusk for one- what a great time to get the sky color in the shot

We stopped in to Spris, this really great restaurant right on Constitution Plaza to warm up, have some drinks and then dinner! (I would strongly advise making reservations, this place gets PACKED!) We had the best seat in the house (I asked ahead of time when I made the reservation) so that Mike and I could shoot for a bit outside

One of my most favorite shots of myself is one that Mike took last year, right in front of this wreath...so we had to revisit it and rock a shot for old times sake!!

So then I turn around? And see this super cool metal wall...and even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the lights, and the fact that you can't see them at ALL...I had to just shoot there. And OUT comes the trusty video light!!!

It was fun playing around with stuff and trying new ways of lighting them!

The lights are just great, really! What more can I say?? Here we used the video light to add a nice rim light along their faces for all of these shots

Ashley & Jordan I had SUCH a great time with you guys and am beyond happy with how these came out! Thanks for letting us play and try some new things...we are stoked for your BEACH wedding when it will be much, much warmer out...!
Make sure you check out Mike's shots too!
You guys!! Forget "outside the box". YOU FREAKIN' KILL IT EVERY DAMN TIME!! The box is vaporized. No more box. *POOF* box-all-gone. Charred spot on the sidewalk where the box was...
Nice work you two (four). LOVE IT!!
WOW!! I don't know what to say. These are all SWEET!! I love the shot with the street signs. Actually I love them all.
What kind of video light do you have Carla?
oooh I love that silo shot (4th from the bottom)!! Wicked rim light!
LOVIN' the metal wall! That is freakin' AWESOME! What a great shoot. I bet Ashley and Jordan are so excited about these. Love all the highway signs too with them off to the right. Amazing Set! Can't wait to go over next week!
Mary beat me to it (darn that girl)...the 4th from the bottom is AMAZING. Love the rim light. Awesome stuff.
I LOVE our pictures!!! Carla you are amazing!! I could not be happier with the pictures that you got in the freezing cold! It was worth not feeling my hands and feet for the next 24 hours or so! Thank you isn't good enough! I am amazed!! Can't wait what you pull out for the big day!
wow what awesome pictures!!! My favorite is the one with the highway signs... very cool stuff!
YES! Justin---4th from the bottom...oh my god!! amazing!
Love these. The underpass shot is a favorite. The highway signs. The dusk and the lights. So many funky shots. Oh--and that metal wall! What?! Love 'em.
HOLY CRAP! i love how you rocked that video light girlfriend!
"and I was like, Nope, it's an 85 1.4 for you, or nothing!" come on...you are too funny!
Gorgeous pictures Carla! They are incredible!
Wow!!! Great job Carla and Mikey. The pictures are absolutely gorgeous, and I'm not just saying that because Ashley is my very good friend!! I knew they would come out beautiful. Ashley and Jordan you look soooo good! Love the scarf Jordan! I can't wait until June.
Wow!!! Great job Carla and Mikey. The pictures are absolutely gorgeous, and I'm not just saying that because Ashley is my very good friend!! I knew they would come out beautiful. Ashley and Jordan you look soooo good! Love the scarf Jordan! I can't wait until June.
What can I say Carla! Having been born, raised, and schooled in Hartford the shots of your clients in the city are AWESOME!
LOVE the metal wall shot and the one with the highway signs.
Beautiful shots! .. I love the color of the sky (dusk photos + christmast lights) ..
WOW. You forgot to put your "Ridiculousness" label on this post! :-) Amazing stuff. The underpass shots and the video light shots are my favorites.
I like 18 and 24. Love the mood to this set.
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