But. The most bestest part of it all is that when I finally returned his call in November from last July for him to come and talk shop... and saw what an incredible shooter he was and how big a part of his life he was willing to make photography... and that he made me laugh so hard I would need to start crossing my legs when I laughed... well, let's just say a star was born!
Having Mike become such a big part of my business has changed so many things for me and our clients in such a positive way- having that second set of eyes + his sharp observational skills and then add in his incredibly creative side... well yes please! I'll take it! And my business is all the better for it.
Now the best part and the worst part about Mike is his incredibly humble nature. He has no IDEA what an incredible shooter he is... so as a gift of sorts I want some comments for my boy letting him KNOW how he's doing
So happy birthday big guy!! Join me on a trip down memory lane, shall we?
I shot this on the first day we met, before my studio was done and I was working out of my kid's playroom. And yet I still somehow managed to make him want to stick around...!

This was during Mike's first New York City engagement shoot

This was during his first wedding with me

Mike shot this, actually! It's his first naked photo booth picture! And hopefully our last... :)

This was during our first shoot with the D3.... ah the good times!

And NO he does NOT smile... EVER!!! Anyone have any pictures of Mike smiling??? ;)
I'm not sure i want to know where the bottom half of that 'naked' photo booth shot was from
Hmmm, love that photo booth shot, lmao. I headed over to Mikes blog right now to give him a little shout out :-)
speechless....you are too funny and I can't wait to hear Mike yell at you for the silly picture. funny thing is that you even have that picture! the fact that someone dropped trou in your photobooth cracks me up.
happy birthday mike! we love ya and you are super talented! a match made in hartford.
crack me up! u guys have way too much fun....
But yes he is a pretty phenomenal guy and hopefully at our wedding nobody will get naked for him in the photo booth....can't wait to see what he gets!!
We love you Mike!!
37 years young!
Big fat happy birthday to Mike...That photobooth shot cracks me up...2 funny Carla!
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