Tomorrow I will be hosting a Portrait House PHundraiser at my studio (24 Lorraine Street Hartford) to raise money for us to officially attain non-profit status! The money we are raising will go towards paying for the attorney so that we can do that!
It starts at 7:00- it's cupcakes and cocktails- and we are asking for a $20 donation at the door. We are also going to have an awesome PHoto booth- it's $1 a shot!
There will be some fun door prizes as well.... including a PRIVATE MENTORING SESSION with yours truly! Maybe I'll get Mike to throw in a back rub or something too... I know he has a big fan base!
Give me a shout if you need directions or anything!
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
*there was an e-vite sent out to everyone in PUG but many of you have had problems with getting the email... so check your junk mail folders!
Looking for a sitter, I would love to be there! I try to get someone to come with too :-)
Val- I hope you come! It would be great to meet you!
Geez a loo. we go away for one little week and I'm a WHOLE page behind on your blog. you need to slow it down lady. no wait. don't. cause you're ROCKIN it!! can't wait to catch up and pick your brain on the super creative insights you've been having. you're like a one stop shop of inspiration!
Can't wait Carla, see you there!!
So I was just going through the posts here and I just noticed Mike's expression here.....like someone just said The Presidanet is coming to visit Carla...and he's like "No Way!!!"...Har Har :)
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