We had a beautiful day, it couldn't have been better if it tried to be! We planned on heading up kind of later in the afternoon so that we could take advantage of the warm late afternoon light and sunset. Since the sun does not set until like 8:00-8:30... well, we end up shooting quite a bit! I think we stopped shooting at about 9:20- the sky was still aglow with color... it was nothing short of amazing.
These hedge shots are kind of a non-sequiter of sorts, they kind of have nothing to do with anything but everything to do with everything! The texture! The color! The random little nook of hedge that juts in for the fire hydrant...! We walked by and I was like 'OOOHHH!!!' And so we stopped and shot! The rest of the shoot revolved around the beach but these just stuck in my brain and I love them and their randomness

I love how the second shot gives you a real sense of the nook-ness of this shot. The hedge is also really tall (Paul is like 6'4" he made Mike look like an oompa loompa)

And I just had to have this shot, it just called my name and I had to answer

These guys were BRAVE and got wet- so did I, my feet were NUMB, and so was my butt, I crouched a little too low and had poor timing... but I still have one of the top 10 sexiest jobs of 2008!

Love the flare and the fence....

I feel like I shoot at beaches a lot so I see it as a special kind of challenge to see how I can shoot each time a little differently than the last

I like the vintage feel of the colors in this shot

But love Paul's expression as he got tagged by a wave unexpectedly

There is something so old about the look of the buildings behind them, or it could be that we were obsessing / lamenting over the demise of the Ocean House that used to be right behind them... it was so cool and reminded me of the hotel from the Shining minus the whole murder thing

There is something so sexy about legs all tangled up together... I added a few Kubota actions in post- edge blur modified way down; star burst vignette; and a texture I shot in NY, erased off them

Jen's ring was fantastic! I opted for a nice, clean simple shot that just screamed beach

A variation on my shot from my last beach shoot, I am really liking the back focus being on a texture in the background kind of shot, these are working for me in a big way

The man, the myth, the legend... Big Mike, working some foreground background action. Can't wait to see what he comes up with. It better be GOOD ;)

I had a hoot of a time standing on top of the life guard chair shooting down. Especially when Mike thought it was a good idea to shake it! I am enjoying the post on this shot (Kubota's Edge blur modified a LOT, digital fill flash and a Jesh de Rox texture)

What's not to love about shooting on a life guard chair?

I broke some laws and hopped the fence to get this shot and then couldn't decide which one I liked better

There is something so dreamy about this one, I love the muted colors, and the grain- isn't it interesting how they both have two completely different feels to them?

leading lines

We were on our way out, drove past this sunset and Mike was all squiggly so we jumped out and shot them- at 9:06 at NIGHT!!! (ISO 5000 / 52 mm / 2.8 / 1/15 sec)

LOVE the ones of them laying on the beach!! Especially the one with the sexy sun flare and the one with the surfer dude in the background. Super vintage! awesome job you dynamic duo you!
I love them all. The shot through the fence was worth jumping it. The feet on the edge, NICE! I look forward to seeing what Mike did. You two make an awesome team.
What's not to love here??? I'm very partial to the sun flare shot....and the ones through the fence...but they all rock of course!
I'm sitting in front of my screen and am just forgetting to shut my mouth as I'm in raptures about these awesome photos and the great light.
I love the one with the sun flaire - well, all of them rock!!!! Great job, I love your blog; everytime I come you always have something different. -
Wow Mike has beautiful legs ;)
Just kidding (or AM I???!!!) - these are beautiful - love the expression as Paul gets hit by the wave...very funny.
Really stunning images though.
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