So on the way we drove through Simsbury and there is this field that Mike and I LOVE that has this cool old stone barn thingy in it. I have always wanted to stop and shoot someone there but never had anyone...until now!

So we drive up to it and the field turned into WHEAT! I think it was wheat anyway, at least that's what it looks like on TV! It was so beautiful and we were pumped for some trespassing. But. There were no actual 'no trespassing' signs anywhere so were we really breaking the law?

Apparently we were! Those peeps in Simsbury have a block watch in FULL EFFECT! No sooner had we crossed the field (me in freaking flip flops, no less, very very dumb idea) than a guy pulls up, yelling! I was all scared (I am such a scardey cat) so luckily I have Big Mike with me so he volunteers to go investigate... what a nice guy! I kept shooting bc really, I will be DAMNED if I am going to hustle across a wheat field in flip flops almost busting my butt many, many times to have to stop immediately! Turns out he was actually a nice guy but was a little nervous (it wasn't even his land, it's state land) and he tipped us off to other places we could shoot down the road

So rather than us being right in the middle of the field we hung around the perimeter and shot, (which we got approval for) and I had this fabulous idea to lay on my back going down a hill and proceeded to drop my camera on my head (it had my 14-24 on it, which is f n HEAVY) and tried to turn my face real quick bc I KNEW it was going to smart! It clipped my ear and I think I broke the cartilage in my ear or something because it STILL hurts!

I wanted to try some new things and doing some extreme close ups / profiles seemed like something that I don't really do a lot of. I have a series of these where they start off all serious and then progress to them laughing

This is the place our mystery man led us to- it could have been a total trap, it did have all of the makings of a scary movie... some happy go lucky young people, a desolate barn in the middle of no where.....! See why I am so glad Mike comes with me?? No offense Bob, I am sure you would have held your own! :)

So here we are at Julia's awesome horse barn! Her horse Moose was so gentle and pretty he didn't mind us leading him around and just posing with him

Mike was in heaven, he is such an animal lover

Now I knew going into the shoot how much Bob LOVES lens flare. He comments on it all the time, so I felt more than a little pressure to have some sun! And seeing that it was supposed to rain all day kind of bummed me out, I SO wanted Bob to have his proverbial 'day in the sun' if you know what I mean! So we are leaving Starbucks (shocker) and Mike suggests that we just shoot now since it isn't guaranteed that we will be able to rock it anywhere else, there were some clouds...

All I have to say is good call Mr. Mike, we both got some fun shots with some flare, and it was only the beginning of the flare love! We ended up getting a bunch more but I am glad we rocked the parking lot! Yes my feet are super dirty, I was in a wheat field and a horse farm for god's sake! In flip flops! The whole point of this shots was to show you that you can shoot ANYWHERE and get some nice stuff! I shot up on them to get rid of the cars in the background so you would not know where we were

ON our way to a corn field we passed this cool fence and saw the light and were like HALT! So we pulled over and delicately avoided the electric fence

Mike was cracking me up when I shot this- I told him I was getting his calves in the shot and to flex so he did!

We could have shot here all afternoon but at this place we were clearly not supposed to be there, it was private property! But it sure was pretty!

On the way home there was this awesome big red barn across the street from this cool farm stand ice cream hoo ha place. Yes. HALT! We had passed it on the way out and I knew we would be returning because it is so super cool

I love found hearts in places and was pumped to find this rustic cutie

Yeah, a corn field at dusk? Am I TRYING to get killed??? I must be because there were some super scary wild a$$ animals squawking and screaming in the fields while we were shooting- Mike says he thinks it's badgers! Little did I know how vicious badgers really are, so I am hoping it wasn't them- but I googled them just in case and they have been known to chill in corn fields! Yikes!

This is one of my favorite shots from our whole shoot!

And while shooting this I was half in the corn and half out, they are WAY ahead of me, this would have been the prime time for Jason to jump out in his hockey mask and grab me, huh! I like to tempt the scary movie fates and get myself all riled up! It was hilarious as we were walking back Mike threw a stone into the corn to the left of Bob and Jen who were way ahead of us and they freaked out!!!

Bob & Jen we had SO much fun with you guys, thanks for the awesome dinner!!
Check out Mike's killer grabs HERE!!
Words can not describe how happy we are with these!!!! They are amazing. Love, love, loooove the one of us spinning around. The desaturation makes it look soo good. Your framing is fantastic too. Very movie-like. God, we just can't get over how awesome they are. AWESOME!!!!
Carla--these are great! You were up in my neck of the woods! I wish I had happened upon you outside of Starbucks that day. I can't believe you got that shot in that location! You are a Photo God.
Hey Carla, they are all beautifull, awesome, lovely and and and .... I just can't find the right words. I'm sitting here in front of my PC and I'm thinking all the time: I have to try this, and this and .. oh yes, of course this too. Although I know it's not so easy - I have to try - as they are lovely. I mostly like the desaturation and the touch of green - how did you do that?! Especially the one, bob is holding jen in the air (I can't find the right word - sorry) is great. Love you for all the inspiration and motivation. Sorry for my english!!
I don't know what else I can say that Bob hasn't already said. Just . . . thank you!! In my wildest imagination I could not have thought up pictures as beautiful as the ones you took. I hope you know this is something I will cherish forever. Thank you!
OMG, LOVING that one of them spinning around!! A-MA-ZING!!! And the corn?!? Hellooooo!!!
you totally rocked this shoot! I have to say this one is one of my favs!!!!!!!
They photos are so beautifuly captured. the softness to them the emotion unbelieveable!
i love the shot of you can shoot anywhere you are such an inspiration!
gorgeous!!!! love the series after the sexual seductive calf shots of Mr. Mike. ha ha. this is such a green photoshoot! i'm drooling :)
i stalk your blog all the time, but this one totally deserved extra love with a comment. i adore every one of these. so fun/creative/ooh la la. and your captions are too cute!
Can't wait to meet you in a couple days!!
Aye Carlita, LOL. THESE ARE ROCKIN' The sun flare shot where Bob is sorta dipping Jen. AWESOME!!! By the way love the capri's you were wearing, I need some with all those pockets, great for lens caps ;-)
ridiculous! :-) can't get enough of these!
all of your comments are cracking me UP!!
Bob & Jen I am so glad you guys are happy, that is so important to me...
Eileen, you are nuts and yes I wish we ran into you too! I am going to see Carrie tomorrow so she can hook me up, I am looking pretty scraggly!
Dorelies- thank you for your constant comments and support, keep up the great shooting
yeah, the corn! love it too, it was funny as all get out too... :)
Oh and Val those are SO not capris! They are shorts but because I have abnormally short legs and an unusually long torso my body is totally not in proportion! But they are fun, pockets are good
Sensual seduction! I am STILL laughing over that- I totally should have posted that other image I emailed you robin!!
Daria can't wait to see you and Andy in action! And to finally meet you too! This weekend is going to be off the HOOK
and yes, I see that I labeled this shoot well, 'ridiculousness!' bc it IS!!!
For a short but comprehensive tutorial on photography you just need two things: carla and a few "making of" shots showing her taking this wonderful pictures and there you go.... breathtaking as always.
Seriously, Girl...!!! Great images! I love the one of them petting the horse. They all have such an ethereal, magical feel to them. Great job! ( always!)
love the with 2.0 swinging Jen around on that path. The trespassing paid off big time :)
Carla the pics totally rock! How fun to do an anniversary shoot!
Why weren't you this great when we got married?
Your sister and I demand a reshoot!!!
Can you make our bodies look like they did 7 years ago?
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