You think you've seen me freak out on a shoot? Heard me hootin' and hollerin' over the light and how awesome it is? How everything is just 'OH MY GAWD!!!!' And then more yellin' and stuff...?
Well....you should have SEEN me last NIGHT!! OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!
Dave and I decided to do a family date night (we normally go on a just a mommy & daddy date night every Friday) to check out the sunflower fields at the Buttonwood Farm in Griswold. I have been looking forward to this for over a year, when the Marantz's did a shoot there. But I just missed it and they cut down all of the flowers. And so I waited!
Then all week it rained! BOO!! And so I waited again! And then with Friday's promise of sun I was internally freaking out all day, looking forward to it and even threatened to leave Daddy-O in the DUST if he came home even a minute past when I said I needed him there... that's how anxious I was to see this!
You know how there are those few things in life that you hold so highly in your brain as things you want to see with your own eyes? The crystal blue waters of a tropical island; works of art by artists like Picasso or DaVinci? Well, vast rolling fields of sunflowers pretty much tops the list for me!
Then add an old stone wall!
and warm delicious golden buttery light??????
Then add my FAMILY to the mix??
Man I am going into cardiac palpitation CITY just thinking about it again!!
Yeah. So it's supposed to be beautiful today but shyte tomorrow so GO ON and GO, check it out for yourself- they are selling bouquets of sunflowers for only $5, all proceeds are going to the Make A Wish Foundation- they have hay rides for only $5 same deal, for Make A Wish.
And then they have homemade ice cream!!! The coconut was incredible!!
I am going back on Sunday, scrapping all other plans and shooting - rain or shine- how cool would these be in the rain??
I did the same thing last year! I saw Justin and Mary's post from a family shoot they did there last year. I got the family in the car and made the trip, we got there and they were ALL dead! It was morbidly horrifying!
At least we had the ice cream:)
Funny your going Sunday, we were thinking about going Sunday evening too!
OH MY GAWD!!!! That shot is Ahhhhhh-mazing! We're doing an e shoot today...may just have to make the trek again. I mean c'mon, the ice cream alone is worth it!!
we saw a story about Buttonwood on the news and have been thinking about going. looks like it's worth the trip! i want to see more photos!
Wow, that's beautiful. O.k. where are my boys' jean overalls. I am gonna try to make the trip. Thanks for the tip :-)
Wow, what an awesomely picturesque location with a beautiful lil model to tie it all in.
Great shot!
Thanks for sharing!
Stay happy and healthy,
Brody - Polarity Photo
Little Georgie is just so stinkin' cute!!
Hey C! I live a couple of miles from BW and we go there all the time! Wish I knew you were going..would have met you for a couple of scoops! LOVE that shot!
awesome pic! i love it!
THE most amazing picture ever! damn...i'm so pissed i missed it!
georgie is beautiful!
Holy crapola is all I can say! Beautiful!! You have the most photogenic children. Too bad we were a few weeks early to visit there, glad you made it though. Awesome shot!!
Wow and that was with a capital "W" we have nothing like that! that picture of georgie rocks...and did u say that have great icecream.....
wooza that is some purtty light!
uhhhh did someone say coconut ice cream?
Wow Carla, just Wow!
So THAT'S what everyone was talking about this weekend. What a crazy, gorgeous shot. Love it.
Beautiful image of your amazing little girl! WOW! you should blow it up to 100x100 and put it on your wall.
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