So I brought my camera because I SWORE I was going to document it this year but Miss Amanda Harris Herzberger stripped me of my D3 and did the honors! Which was kind of nice for me to just focus on the people's reactions as they saw themselves being unveiled... ends up I couldn't really see but Amanda did a great job of catching them for me, so thanks honey!!!
There were people asking where they can buy more copies of their prints- follow this link and sign up, they should all be up by Friday from the past four years!
Here are some highlights from the night!
My right hand gal Robin Dini and the illustrious Robert Norman, MD... pre-unveiling

Miss Krystyle double fisting it with not one but TWO Canons!

Mike has stepped over to the Canon dark side, momentarily.... it's OK he had some cocktails, he made a mistake. He is forgiven! ;)

I am clearly laughing at something Robert Norman just said!

My big guy Jack Bibbs

Jack just loves to make fart noises and was demonstrating his skill

During the unveiling Jack couldn't tell me enough that 'this is SO BORING Mom!' Like a thousand times! Thanks big guy! It was his and Georgie's first year coming... and maybe their last! ;)

Hartford Housing Authority head Alan Green with his wife just moments after they saw his portrait

Sandra Stern, another one of the nine is wiping away what I hope is a tear of joy!

Hyacinth Yenne, who is one of FIFTEEN kids...! Checks out her portrait

Little Miss Georgie Picklepuss tries to get my attention during the unveiling - I was on the other end of the restaurant

Donna Berman, who is head of the Charter Oak Cultural Center in Hartford, gets some back patting after her portrait is unveiled

Here Donna is taking it all in...

I just can't stop smiling and laughing all night, it was so much fun to see everyone's reactions

The man, the myth, the legend...MAYOR MIKE himself!

Krystyle doing her weird one eyed willy thing while she shoots

Miss Harris talking to who?? Probably Mr. Herzberger!

Miss Freckles herself, Kim Romano!

Our good buddies Nicole & Jennifer of recent wedded bliss fame came by and spent the evening with us all... I can only imagine what Mike was telling Jen

The Marantz's in full effect!

ahh yes, Miz Dini! ooot OOOOOT!

What an insanely cool night!
I loved seeing your kids in action, they are so funny...just like mom!
If I lived like 5 hours closer I would TOTALLY have been there!!
Congratulations on your fabulousness!!
Wow, looks like so much fun. I so wish I could of been there to support you. I know you did an awesome job! Your kids are just adorable! I am SO SORRY I missed it :-( See you Monday :-)
Carla rocks the house! SUCH a fun night out! I am proud of you BIG TIME! xoxo
holy f*in crap, are you kidding me! those are so freakin' fun! i love that we play spin the bottle with your camera. everyone shares a little bit of the D3 love. i see a few of mine in there!!! ;) it was a total honor to be there supporting you. I was 'FINALLY' moved to tears because i was so proud of what you accomplished with this. cheers girlfriend! :P
LORD!!! How ya gonna post that picture of me?! :) If it didn't look like I was enjoying some seriously yummy chewy coconut in my Mounds Martini at that very moment, I think I would be more bitter!!
We're so freakin' proud of you! My lil' heart almost exploded!!
Congratulations Carla! It looks like it was a great night. Love the Jack being bored thing. And especially how happy all the subjects of your photos look, after seeing the big reveal!
"illustrious"... I like the sound of that
Also enjoyed sharing arm farts with Jack at the table.
Ya'll are so darn cute. =) Congratulations on such a wonderful night!!! Super well deserved.
woohoo! congrats! I wish I knew about it so I could help support you and all the awesome things you do!
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