The bride arrived on a cable/trolley car that was a surprise from her parents...nice, right??

She had some time to wait on the car so Wolfgang, Steve and I all got to shoot some portraits of her.

There was this cool little plaque hanging on the car that I had to shoot

The bride and her Dad right before they walked down the aisle

Steve rocking the ceremony, as usual! :)

After the receiving line the guests lined up with sparklers- it was so much fun to be more creative and risky since I was the third shooter!

Towards the end of Wolfgang's portrait shoot they let me tag in for a bit!!

Our host Wolfgang working his angles for his group portraits

Steve in action

Steve and I couldn't WAIT to shoot against this wall

While Wolfgang was shooting I scoped out the grounds and found this unassuming little wall covered in ivy but was really lamenting the fact that it was not my wedding so I could not be all bossy and demand to shoot there :) But I sure kept dropping subtle hints! This bride and groom were so willing to let Steve and I shoot that when I thought they were all done they were like, 'no, no more pictures!' How often does THAT happen?? Make a mental note, carla ten eyck photography clients! I LOVED it and was really able to let loose and get some fun stuff. Like this ivy shot, I was really seeing it in my favorite Pro Action Newsprint while shooting it, with a subtle texture- like I could completely visualize it. I think it's lovely but am also in love with the color version of this as well!

Then I was really trying to work the sun flare and caught this shot of them laughing at us making fun of how intensely they kissed each other when I said 'ok, kiss' They are too cute! I am also a big fan of this bizarro shape stuff I am getting when I actually have the luck to get some sun flare, what is UP with it?

LOVE that last shot as well as the one with the vine in the foreground---how cool to shoot an wedding while there!!!!!
Hey Calra, I love ALL of these photos, I don't think I can pick a favorite. I really do LOVE the trolley ones. Just beautiful!! What an AWESOME opportunity to get to shoot a wedding there.
Trolley who gets a trolley at their wedding..THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! I loved seeing the pictures glad you guys had a good time, hope you had a good vacation!
that flare shot just gave me warm tinglies all over....u da boooomb.
WOW!!! not soooo bad...-)))
off the hook! dude, you have an austrian wedding in your portfolio now...hello?! the first sparkler shot with them in the background....awesome capture. see...when not the primary shooter, Ms. Ten Eyck can go WILD!
Next workshop.."How to shoot awedding like a third shooter" :)
These are awesome!
Love that detail you found on the bus I didn't even see it.
love them!! hey now you can say your an international destination wedding photographer!
love the sunflare shot!!!!
Wow--awseome shots! The trolley was such a cool touch! The portrait of her looking out the window...nice. Geez--1 to 2 hours at a wedding?! Now that they've seen what you and Steve do, do they want to start shooting more?
I feel like I was there... Just awesome shots!!
All the the shots are absolutely beautiful! I love them all.
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