Mike is a jerk for posting a sneak peek before I'm ready to post my ENTIRE peek!! So I am forced to post a sneak too!
This was a super steamy shoot on day three of our shooting craziness! Very sultry, and very fun! We shot Eric from RAW Photo Design and his wife Amber for an anniversary shoot- akin to the engagement shoot but it's for married couples!
I will post more later, but Mike and I are going to New York City for a super duper e shoot- can you say MSG?? :)
And then I am shooting a wedding with Steve Depino on Saturday at the Branford House, I am really pumped I love that place and Steve and I always have a great time!
Woo...freakin hooo...I've been waiting FOREVER for these things....poor form on Mike's part...someone didn'texplain blog edicate to him huh?...But Thanks!!!...Now I'm going to go check his out!
how could you let mike outpost you????? I told mike you guys should have a blog war to see who could post the fastest!! haha
they are about ready to make another baby----
Bite your tongue Robert! Can't wait to see more Carla...we had so much fun with you!
can't wait for the rest!
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