Well let's have ourselves a little serving of irony with our coffee this morning, shall we? So. At the second place we shot Kate asks me what my weirdest engagement shoot was to date. And I am like, huh. Huh. hmmmmm..... and couldn't really quantify anything as 'weird' per se, fun, heck YEAH! Adventuresome? Check! So I actually don't really have an answer... until the end of the night when I turn to them and say 'YOU guys are the weirdest engagement shoot to date!' I think I should have a trophy of some kind to award them, right?
OK, so this was the run-down: We get there (Boston, Cambridge really) and start our shoot with them in the coolest formal wear (that dress is SO cool) and it's all windy and it's doing some crazy fun flowy stuff; we rock a fire escape and a cool textured building that they love.
Then we go to a park where they used to take walks when they were all newly dating and stuff where Kate tells me a story about how she went trapeezing. OK. Yes, let's stop there, shall we?? Oh no, it gets better. She did this in a FURNITURE STORE! Random, party of one!! I'm like, WHAT? How are we NOT shooting that right now? (next time you go I am going with you!) So we hike up this MOUNTAIN I am in flip flops and carrying a 50 lb gear bag and huffing like a glue sniffing addict in a glue factory minus the buzz! It wasn't their fault that I am terribly out of cardio shape! ;) So we get to the top, kinda get lost, shoot some tower stuff, nice vistas etc.
Then we go out for ice cream and burgers at this awesome little place called 'Dairy Joy' it is DELICIOUS! Which is where we rock the ring shots and then see a cool aqua car that is all vintage and stuff, and inside I cry a little because Adam has this awesome little 1971 green mini cooper that he races but wasn't ready for the shoot- BUT it will be at the wedding!! I think it's the ring bearer or something! Can you just see the portraits Mike and I will rock in that?? So we do some fun shadow stuff on this car, then...
We decide we want to shoot in the grass somewhere and what better place to do that than the MIT campus, right? I know. So their campus is really cool, lots of modern architecture and neatness, we poke around, shoot, laugh etc. So then we are on the grass and Kate and Adam both bust into hand stands and start walking around... because THAT'S totally normal. I mean Mike and I also do that, we were just busy. Turns out they both are gymnasts and like, really really GOOD ones at that! So then Mike is all pumped and asks them to flip and do crazy stuff, so we go over to the astro turf field and shoot some fun stuff- Kate just bangs out a back flip! Adam is like spider-man!
As if we aren't done YET in the car Kate lets slip that she has a sequined dress!! I'm like, WHAT?? We HAVE to shoot you in that and we decide to utilize their cool Tonka truck lights and light them with that on the roof top of a parking garage with all of Boston aglow behind them...
At one point Adam was dancing in the background (bc of course we had music blaring at this point) with his racing helmet on. It was very surreal!!
The other interesting thing I learned was that Jessica Simpson's shoes are, truly in fact comfortable! Adam even agreed... although he wouldn't say how he knew...! :)
Mike and I had SO much fun with you guys and cannot wait for your wedding next week!
This dress is incredibly flowy and cool...and Kate was stunning in it!

This fire escape was cool but at first I wasn't sure how I was going to make it work- the light was so harsh on the front side of it and I knew I wanted to shoot through the back of it. I decided to expose for Adam's face and actually try and blow out the background a bit, giving a little more definition to the graphic black steps.It took some finagling but I really like the image we got, it's almost like I caught them having a moment.. ok a little papparazi-ish maybe but it's romantic!

The hike was worth it, this view is really pretty!

Rockin' the prom pose, circa 1987! Probably more like 2002...!

They really liked this odd little robot-esq tower and wanted to pretend it was attacking them! Very cute... :)

This car was awesome, loved the colors

Kate loves the chocolate dipped ice creams at Dairy Joy and something just clicked in my brain... HUH! RING SHOT!! Adam has an engagement ring too so it was doubly fun! Thanks for being good sports and letting me put your rings in this creamy goodness!

Just laying around talking about physics on the MIT campus. I started to feel smarter just by being there

Doesn't Adam look like Spider-Man here??

hot hot HAWT

Adam's car did a nice job of lighting them, don't you agree?

I busted out my video light and lit them from behind- I am glad that I got that thing rockin'!!

Make sure you check out Mike's super dope shots HERE! I saw them and they are INCREDIBLE!!
What an awesome shoot. And let's hear it for male engagement rings - the couple I shot on Sunday has the same thing....I think they should both start a trend - it makes so much sense! You rocked this shoot of course lady...but that's not really a surprise :)
rock it girl!!!! those shots were smokin!!!!!
Don't apologize, if our pictures are half as cool as these I will be thrilled! I LOVE the ring shot on the ice cream.
Oh my god, hooray! Thank you so much for posting them, and for making them amazing. Your work is brilliant!
Love #3...and like the last 5....You really are getting that lens flare down huh girl?
Carla, I love reading your blogs your so funny :-) I am totaly digging the fire escape shot. You really made it work. Ice cream was awesome. That Aqua car was so cool too!
Hey Carla, I love the backlit shots with the car and the building lights with the video light. You photos are really beautiful Carla. Also the ones where they are laying on the field. Nice job!! Maybe we could shoot toghether sometime if you are still up for it! Hope all is well.
Hey! Nice cartwheel shot! ::Grin::
you rocked it sister!
grass shots are great. love the standard 10ike style...where you stretch yourself...that ice cream shot. hello??? seriously. (cupping the phone now covered in spit)
I love the photos of the rings on the ice cream cone. I am glad I came across your site. You do great work!!
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