This is ALL WAX

I put my ring in for a shot, then took it back, of course. Is that inappropriate?

Another of the zillion weddings going on in Xcaret- torture me why don't you!!

I know, I know, learn how to take a vacation!! These people got married right at the resort (I saw about 5 weddings while I was there!) and I just couldn't resist! The creepiest part? I was soaking wet, in a bathing suit and coverup in sandals, shooting. I was THAT WEIRD LADY!! Save it. I know there are people piping up right now, PIPE DOWN!

My father in law and my husband Dave are officially the WORST leaders like EVER. They swore they knew a short cut to the river and had us cutting through the inside of a restaurant! But I snagged this neat shot of the band, so I was only sorta annoyed.

My favorite part of the trip was this incredible cemetery located in the eco part of Xcaret- it was SO cool!! Mexicans love them some death and really create the most interesting burial sites and such- Jack and I had a blast poking around, shooting. I am determined to go back for the Day of the Dead this fall and really go wild

Playa del Carmen proper

What's a trip to Mexico without a picture of a sombrero? Right?

How cool are these hanging beds? ON THE BEACH. Yes. Really.

This was right outside of the buffet by the beach we visited daily

I am sure there is a technical name for this really cool rainbow ring around the sun, does anyone know what it is? We saw it two days in a row!

As if I needed any MORE reasons to hang out at a bar....

The beach at Playa del Carmen, a bit rougher wave-wise and more people, for sure. But n-i-c-e

You are terrific for tourism. I so want to hop a plane to Mexico now. =)
AHHH M-A-Z-I-N-G...every single shot is gorgeous!
I love that day of the dead stuff--creepy but really neat (I actually have a large one that sits on the floor that I hesitate to put out since it scares everybody)
Wonderful - the sea, the beach, the colors. Particulary as I' m looking out of my window and it's raining and raining and ....
Awesome, colorful shots!!! I hope you relaxed a little too. That is so crazy that you saw a rainbow around the sun while you were down there. I swear Paul & I saw the same ring on the same day...yes, creepy, yet somehow comforting that we were seeing the same thing a thousand miles away. Maybe it's a friendship ring : )
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